First Notebook Complete

First Notebook Complete

The first of April 2017 marked a historic day for the Leighton Buzzard Chickens.  As you might be aware our humans like to log details of all the eggs we lay including the date, egg mass and the chicken who laid the egg.  These ultimately get added to a database that feeds a number of pages on our website including:

But before they enter the database they are logged in a physical notebook.

Our humans use Oxford notebooks, specifically the Signature 90x140mm 192 page book.  This was carefully chosen due to its physical size, plus the fact there are 20 lines per page; this serves their OCD nicely, apparently there’d be nothing worse than an odd number of lines per page, weirdos!

They only log eggs on one side of each page, the other is reserved for notes about the eggs or notable information such as egg show successes 🙂  It serves as a useful journal.

1900 eggs down, only another 1900 until the next notebook.